Oh Boy! The feast was almost unreasonable. We had all the standards, and all the non-standards. From the turkey from Mike, at Thunderhill farm, who we got to dine with to the venison roast with wild mushrooms and red wine that I cooked in the woodstove, to the tempeh that Nick and I made with soybeans and sunflower seeds and then he cooked up with some ginger and garlic and spice. Tonight we are going to try our hand at making black bean tempeh. I'll let you know how it comes out. So I am including some photos of thanksgiving, which was celebrated at the Germantown Community Farm and CSA. There were many folks there, from many places, all convening together to eat, drink, sing, share, and did I mention eat? Everywhere I turned there was another happy, well fed face. Send me an email and let me know what was special about your Thanksgiving.
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